Monday, August 15, 2011

The start of a new year

So I start classes again tomorrow. It is strange since I feel like I didn't have that much of a summer but oh well. Since I finally cleaned today I was able to get some pictures of my beautiful room. These are my beautiful built in shelves. I absolutely love this part the most about my room! The shutters in the back are from my room last year. I hung them as my headboard. All of those really awesome jars, I actually found them in my basement, my grandmother really doesn't like to get rid of things and I am very grateful for that aspect of her :)

So this is actually an idea my awesome boyfriend gave me with this mirror and shelf. The shelf used to be black so I thought it wouldn't look that great so I just spray painted it  grey and now it is absolutely beautiful! The mirror I got at a garage sale for $8, the lady told me that it was a mirror that was in perfect condition and worth so much more that $10....I told her I would give her $5 and well she just couldn't give it up for that much. Anyways, I'm glad I splurged :)

Well for my girls from work, this is for you. One of my mom's from work planted this for me because everyone at my office had one of these plants and I really wanted one! It's doing so well and it reminds me of the wonderful ladies I worked with all summer. I actually really miss them. Not that I didn't think I would but I just miss always laughing and just getting to know them. They were an absolutely blessing to me this summer. I couldn't have asked for a better job! I even got to have a math problem of the day where one of my girls loved doing them. It made me so happy, I love teaching math to anyone who is willing to learn and well I find it amazing how once people get into careers I feel like they have a tendency to forget things that do not pertain to their job. I loved the fact that she just wanted to learn to work her mind and to understand the concept and that was it. It didn't benefit her job. But she wanted to do it! Well anyways my girls were great. And I start classes tomorrow and I am really excited about starting another year of college and to just have another year of learning!

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